Stampin' Dreams Blog Hop - In Memoriam
Demonstrator Training Program Blog Hop November 2021 - Customer Thank You Cards

Festive Friday #0097 - National Cookie Day - Gingerbread & Peppermint

WooHoo, Another Festive Friday Challenge .

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Welcome to the Festive Friday Challenge.  Every second Friday we post a challenge for you with a specific theme and an Inspo List of 10 items to choose from to create your project.Festive Friday Badge used to link

This week's Challenge is #FF0097 - National Cookie Day

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Your goal is to simply use three or more items from the inspiration list on your project and link up! #festivefridaychallenge  At Festive Friday, you do not need to actually celebrate the occasion. I hope you’ll make a card, scrapbook page or 3-D project and join us. You don’t need a blog to enter Festive Friday. Check out this link on how you can play along with this challenge.  If you want help entering, please email me at [email protected] and I’d be happy to help you!  Again, your entry doesn’t have to have anything to do with National Cookie Day.

I wanted to use the Gingerbread & Peppermint Memories and More Cards.  They will be back in stock shortly.  These cards are such a great way to capture memories and make quick cards.  Here is my Card.  I will give the supply list below.

Gingerbread & Peppermint M& M Stampin Up Stampin With Diane Evans

The items that I used from the Inspo List is Brown, cookie and Recipe.  Here is a closer look at the elements.

Gingerbread & Peppermint Stampin Up Stampin With Diane EvansI love that cooling rack!!!

Although this is a rather simple card, I did a video to show a really cool technique with the ribbon.  You must see it

Measurements for the card are:

Basic White Thick: 5 1/2' x 8 1/2" scored @4 1/4"

Kraft Paper: 3" x 6"

Basic White: 3" x 4"

Real Red: 3" x 3"

The video is here:

Don't forget to subscribe to my You Tube channel – You can SUBSCRIBE TO MY CHANNEL HERE so that you will be notified every time that I upload a new video.

Now let's go see what the Design Team has done for us.

FF #0097 National Cookie Day

For more inspiration, be sure to visit the rest of the  Festive Friday Challenge Design team.

Ann Schach

Beth McCullough

Sharon Hashimoto Burkert

Melanie Hungerford

Helen Jennings

Stephanie Lanzalotto

Melva Peters


Diane Evans

Joanne James

Are you inspired?

If you live in6a0120a5011b74970b022ad37c6c09200d-100wiCanada ,  I would love to be your demonstrator if you are not working with one already!  You can click on the supply list below to order any of these items through my online shop.  If you would like to receive a copy of the new Annual Catalogue and you don't have a demonstrator, please email me at [email protected] to request a copy. 

Please be sure to use the current Host Code that is listed below or to the side of this post to receive a free gift from me. When you place an order using the Host Code, I'll send you my monthly tutorial to make cards.

CA Oct imageAlso make sure that you check out my additional Online Rewards here.  You could earn $$$ in Stampin’ Up! ® Product.  Want this tutorial?    Reach out as I can sell you the tutorial.

I also have Referral program.  .

Watch for the Seasonal Sale that Starts at 6:00 AM MT on November 16 to 5:50 PM MT on November 18.

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Wowzers  10% of Cardstock, 15 % off Stamp Pads and 20% of Dies from the Annual Catalog.  Click to download the Flyer. Download FLYER_SEASONALSALE_CA.  

Did you hear about the Start your Savings Promotion?

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Join during the Start with Savings event and snag the Starter Kit at an unbeatable bargain! Normally, you order your custom Starter Kit—with your pick of products valued at $165—for $135. During our Start with Savings event, you can snag your Starter Kit for only $100!

If you’ve been considering joining the jamboree, there’s no better time than now. This outstanding offer ends 30 November! What are you waiting for?


* Your choice of up to $165 worth of any current Stampin’ Up! products.
* A business supply pack.
* A free Paper Pumpkin kit! (Ask me for more information about this subscription service.)

That's a great value for only $100!

Don't forget about my month Card Class to go

Your Creativity Awaits

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I am so excited to say that the class for November is using this Suite!!!!  All the info is here, but we are suggesting that you order early to make sure that you are not disappointed.  We also will have a special offer and bonus project if you get the whole suite.

Here is a sneak peek.Screen Shot 2021-10-31 at 6.01.45 AM

Contact me here to register:  [email protected]

Eden's Garden Shot 2021-09-28 at 6.34.05 AM

Now here is the brochure that you canDownload EDENSGARDEN_DianeEvans.  

Don't delay, some of the product is only available While Quantities last.  Here is the supply list.

I hope that we have inspired you to try going into this challenge.



Earn Bonus Rewards use the
Current Host Code 2A9D2R2Y
