SBTD - Leaves or Trees - Gilded Autumn Suite

Creative Inking Blog Hop - Falling In Love With Fall

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Welcome to the Creative Inking Blog Hop.  Our theme is Falling in Love with Fall.  This is a real challenge for me, because this is my least favourite of all the Seasons.  Here in Canada, it is a dull time right after all the leaves fall.  I love the colours of the leaves but........ I do have a hard time working with the fall colours.

Thanksgiving in Canada is in October.  We are having a very small gathering of only 4 so I decided to do something for the Thanksgiving Table .  I thought that some Spiced Pecans after dinner would be nice and wanted to make a box to put them in.

Here is the box that I designed for the Table setting.  I love these Celebration Labels Dies.  I used the Autumn Goodness Bundle to help decorate them.  I will include a supply list below:

Stampin With Diane Evans Celebration Labels

And the opened Box

Stampin With Diane Evans Celebration Labeles box

I also did a a template for the box.

Stampin With Diane Evanscelebrariontemplate

I thought it would be best to do a video showing how I made the box.  

Don't forget to subscribe to my You Tube channel - You can do that here.  That way you will be notified when I upload a video.

Here are the measurements for the box:

Cinnamon Cider:  3 ¾” x 6 for the 2 ovals. 4 7/8” x 7” for the box ,  1 ¾” x 2 ½” , scraps

Tasteful Touches DSP: 1 ¾” x 4”

Whisper White: 2 ¼” x 2 ½”

Copper Brushed Metallic Sheet: scraps

Also here is the Recipe for the Spiced Pecans:

Candied Pecans

2 C Pecans

Combine in Large Bowl

1 T Melted Butter

3 T Brown Sugar

½ t. Cinnamon

½ t. Cayenne Pepper

1 ½ T Canadian Maple Syrup

½ t. salt

Line baking sheet with foil or parchment paper.

Spread pecans on baking sheet and bake 8 – 10 minutes.  Stir every 3-4 minutes.

Melt butter, stir in remaining ingredients.

Remove Pecans from oven and stir into mixture coating well.

Put back onto baking sheet.

Back 5-10 minutes, stirring every 3 -4 minutes.

Enjoy!  Once you have one you may find it hard to stop.

Now why not join in our Blog Hop?  Let's see what Renee Kohnke has done.


And if you missed it you can go see what Linda Bauwin has done.

Previous blogGreat right?  Make sure that you leave comments.

If you live in Canada, I would love to be your demonstrator!  You can click on the supply list below to order any of these items through my online shop.  If you would like to receive a copy of the new Annual Catalogue and you don't have a demonstrator, please  email me at [email protected] to request a copy. 

Please be sure to use the current Host Code  XAHV743R   to receive a free gift from me. When you place an  order using the Host Code, I'll send you my monthly tutorial to make cards.

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If your order is over $200, please do not use the Hostess Code as you'll qualify for Stampin' Rewards, but I'll still send you the tutorial.  

Want to join the Stampin' Up! Community for the Discount and Stay for the Fun?  Here's a great offer for you.

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You can join my team here.

What are you doing on World Card Making Day?  Join us as we do 4 hours of fun together and see over 4 card demonstrations.  We would love to have you.

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As promised, here is the supply list:

I hope that I have inspired you to craft because it is great for the Soul.


Diane Evans


Earn Bonus Rewards use the
Current Host Code 2A9D2R2Y
