Christmas in Winnipeg
What a wonderful day it was yesterday. I hope all of you had a Merry Christmas.
I still haven't posted since Christmas Eve when we all made our own Ugly Christmas Sweaters. It was fun and I think everyone enjoyed it. From year to year we can just add to them.
Brooke was busy with Logan so Eve helped her catch up.
It sure gives you a good excuse to collect stuff from throughout the year.
Here are Chris and Logan's sweaters.
and Brooke's masterpiece.
After many attempts we did get a family photo, but I still need Chris to get them ready so that I can share.
Dinner was awesome and I did get the Christmas Crackers done just in time. Not my best, but at least the tradition continues. I forgot a couple of things so it didn't quite turn out the way I wanted them to.
Off to have another busy day with the family, but NO shopping. I think I am done for a year.
Have a wonderful day.