Yesterday, I had my Stamp Set of the Month class using Painted Petals. Because of the 2 different styles of stamp sets, it made it difficult for everyone to use their own sets so we ended up using one set. The ladies got to visit more because of it, but we still finished the cards on time. This set is so versatile. I was going to make a masculine card from it, but it turned into a feminine care with masculine cards. The first card that we did, was using Spring Colors.
Yesterday, I had my Stamp Set of the Month class using Painted Petals. Because of the 2 different styles of stamp sets, it made it difficult for everyone to use their own sets so we ended up using one set. The ladies got to visit more because of it, but we still finished the cards on time. This set is so versatile. I was going to make a masculine card from it, but it turned into a feminine care with masculine cards. The first card that we did, was using Spring Colors.