Universal Studios
Day One Leadership

Wow... Hogsmeade and Diagon Alley

Universal Studios was all that I imagined and more.  I still have one more day today to get everything in.  Hogsmeade and Diagon Alley were absolutely amazing. 


This is where I entered for the Forbidden Journey.


All I can say............Virtual Screaming.  I might even try to do it again today!!!

I boarded the Hogwarts Express with a little help.

IMG_6981 - Version 2

It is hard to take a lot of pictures when you travel by yourself.


I then got to do the new ride Escape from Gringotts.


This a fire breathing Dragon.

This place is amazing.  I got lots done yesterday and plan on doing everything else today.  Fun and casing it out for a family trip here in a few years when all the Grand Kids are old and tall enough to go on the rides.

I may still have to go on most of the virtual rides on my own then unless I find someone to come on them with me

Off to play.

Hope you have a great day.



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