Memories are Being Made
Happy New Year ! ! !

Where has the time gone?

I cannot believe that it has been 5 years since Eve was born.  She is quite the little girl and loves to be pampered.  Yesterday was her Pre-Birthday and we went out for breakfast, a haircut, some shopping and crafting.  What more could a girl want? 

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What a way to a girls heart... Chocolate Chip Pancakes.

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Her new Little Pony and clothes!

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And us working on Eve's and Keira's December Memory Book.

We have so many pictures to pick from.  I can't wait to see this book all finished, but I don't think we will get it done while I am here.  We will try our best though.

It is Tuesday, and there are some new specials.  Here they are:

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AND  there are new items to the

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If you were at my Open House, don't forget about my special offers have to be in by December 31.


Off to enjoy the day.  Hope you have a great day.



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