It is Beginning to Look Like...........
Dancer Has Been tied Up

It's such a busy time

If anyone was wondering, that MESS in my room, is all cleared up and almost ready for my Open House next Saturday.  You will be able to see some of the new product in the Up and Coming New Occasions Catalogue.  Watch for it in your mailbox.

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If not, I will have ones here to browse.  I should also have some Sale-A-Bration brochures here as well.  Did you know that Sale-A-Bration goes from January 6 to March 31.  Wow, 3 months to get all that stuff for FREE with a $60.00 Purchase.  Gotta Love it.

Just a reminder, OPEN HOUSE  December 20  11-3.  I bet there are some prizes there as well.

I think it is Karoline's sleep in day, so I do not know what Dancer was up to last night.  Before she left here, this is where I found her.  Looks like she was actually helping cleanup. 


Today is Eve's Birthday Party.  Of course it will be a Frozen Party.  I was talking to her yesterday and she asked me, " Why aren't you coming?"  My heart melted.  I wish I was there, but I told her I would be there for Christmas.  The distance is so hard.

Off to my annual Christmas Card Party.  Great people, great cards and yummy food.

Have a great day.



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