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September 2013

Man, I can't believe that this seems to be my phrase of the year............ Getting Ready. I am always thinking of new and different things to share with people. I want to show so much and not enough time to do it all. Club is coming up this weekend and I am torn between three techniques. Hmmmmm, which one should I do? Talking about Club............ I had a couple people have to back out because,... Read more →

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I am so tired after yesterday's stamp camp. I bet the ladies are as well. I have used these Stamp Camps as a way of teaching some intricate techniques. The ladies learn the different cuts and techniques by moving from station to station. Don't they look like they are intent on what they are doing? Now, I am looking at revamping my approach after some feedback from the ladies. I am thinking that I may... Read more →

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Stamp Camp today

The car is packed and I mean packed. I have everything ready to go. I just hope that I haven't forgotten anything. I will share some of our creations in the coming week or so. for those that are coming.... see you later. I just hope that the rain stays away. Stampingly, Diane Read more →

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Are you new to card making? Or know someone that is? Here is the product for you. Stampin' Up has put together this stamping kit. You will get everything in this kit that you need to make these 20 cards except for scissors and adhesive. Want to see more? Here is what is in the kit. And here is a sample of the cards that you can make. and So if you are a new... Read more →

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Just sending out the information on the Stamp Set of the Month Class for October. We will be using Joyful Christmas, item # 131805. We will make 4 cards using this set. Why not get started on those Christmas Cards? Here is the deets on the class: When: October 12th.... 2 sessions 10-12 or 1-3 October 13th... 10-12 Cost: $22.00 for the class or $44.00 for the class and clear stamp set. ALMOST a $4.00... Read more →

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Have you looked at your calendar? It is only 3 months 'til Christmas. Yikes! I have so much to do and so little time to do it in. What about you? Go to my "Events" page and see if I can help you out with your Christmas Card making. So far I have 3 Christmas Card events coming up in October. We have the Alzheimer's Event on October 19th. The net proceeds go to the... Read more →

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So what do you think of the new look? There may be a couple of tweeks, but I just love what Patsy Waggoner has done for me. Chris drew the Dragon Fly for me a couple of years ago and I didn't know how to incorporate it into my blog. Patsy has made it happen. A huge thank you to her. AND............ I also have Stampin' with Diane Facebook page that I would love you... Read more →

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Now it doesn't get much easier than this? I downloaded a page from MDS and just took a picture, dragged it, and dropped it. I will call this cheating, but hey. The purpose of doing this is to show you how easy the MDS program is. I wish I had more time to play with it. Here is the page. I love this picture of Daddy with his girls. Have a great Monday. Stampingly, Diane Read more →

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