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June 2013

I can't believe that I forgot to mention this sale that ends today. Here are the deets on this sale: CLICK ON PICTURE TO MAKE THE DETAILS BIGGER. For those that need to see the pictures: Sassy Salutations Wood 132070 On sale for $21.71 Clear 126707 On sale for 16.46 Petite Pairs Wood 128706 On sale for $26.96 Clear 122497 On sale for $19.46 Sweet Essentials Wood 132085 On sale for $18.71 Clear 126457 On... Read more →

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I hope all of you are enjoying the start of the long weekend. I am planning on crafting all weekend in preparation of going to convention. I have a few swaps to prepare for. Here I go again. LOL I just wanted to let you know about a limited offer. In the 2013-2014 annual catalogue, we offer the Stampin' Write Marker New Colour Kit (item 130034, page 163) to help you update your Many Marvelous... Read more →

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Here is the swap card that Ginny Duncan designed for the Shoebox swap. I love the versatility of this card. Imagine how many different looks that you get when you use different DSP and punches. This has inspired me to try something. Hope you have a great Friday. Stampingly, Diane Read more →

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The fantastic thing about swaps ,are the different ideas that people come up with. When we were in Vancouver last month, we did a swap. I forgot to post some of the other swaps. Here is a card that was designed by Karen Wersch using the Open Sea stamp set. I love how she used the Framelits at the top of the Very Vanilla piece. From what I understand, it took ages to line it... Read more →

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Only two days late, but I did have Eve pull the winner for this set. If you aren't the winner, you can get this Hostess set if you host a workshop or be a part of my club. I am still taking openings for Sundays and Mondays. I had Eve pull the winner. I put all the entries in a bowl. She was excited to be a part of pulling the winner. And the winner... Read more →

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Homeward bound

Where did those 4 days go? I was lucky to spend the last 4 days with Rob Karoline Eve, Keira and Letty in Calgary. What a turmoil for many Calgarians with the Massive Flooding in the beautiful city. Although I went for very happy moments with the birth of Keira, my heart goes out to the thousands and thousands of people that have been touched with this terrible disaster. Rob and Karoline live on higher... Read more →

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Meet Keira Dawn Henschel. She was born yesterday shortly after 12 pm weighing 4 pounds 15 ounces. She is getting special care and is improving by the hour. I was sent a video and she does have a loud set of lungs. Mom is doing well. Congratulations to Karoline Rob and sister Eve. I can't wait to go see them all tomorrow. Stampingly, Diane Read more →

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